
Rocks are any solid mass of mineral that occurs naturally. When carefully studied, rocks can give us information about the environment in which it formed. Rocks are classified based on the way they form. There are three categories of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. The rock cycle shows the relationships between the three rock types.

Igneous Rocks

Igneous rocks form from the crystallization of magma, molten rock material, either beneath the surface of the Earth or on the surface.

Igneous rocks undergo weathering by wind, water, glaciers or waves. They are broken into smaller fragments called sediment and are deposited. The sediments undergo lithification to form sedimentary rocks.

Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rock forms from the compaction of sediments which are cemented by water percolation.

When sedimentary rock is buried or undergoes mountain building the rock is subjected to high heat and pressure creating metamorphic rocks. If metamorphic rocks experience greather temperature and pressure, they melt, creating magma.

It is important to note that alternative paths exist. These paths are shown by the red and green arrows.

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